About: This is a private property that has Airbnbs for rent, but also beautiful outdoor spaces for enjoying the sunset in particular. You must make a reservation, as they have a limited number of areas that have chairs, tables, and firepits. Bring your own food to enjoy at a campfire. Some areas are paved, some with gravel, some are covered and some are not. Sometimes they have live music and food for sale, so check their social media for special events. Pets are allowed.
Province: Alajuela
Starting from: Downtown Alajuela
Time to reach from starting location: 52 minutes
Time needed for activity: as much as you want
Kid friendly: Yes
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
What to wear and bring: Comfortable clothes, warm clothes, walking or hiking shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, sunglasses, umbrella, camera, binoculars, water, snacks, pack lunch
Tips: It is a particularly great property to enjoy on special celestial events like meteor showers, full moons, etc, as they are away from the lights of the city.
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/TgLwZth8tY9K8HKr9
Website: https://www.instagram.com/comocaidodelcielo_sr/?next=%2Fp%2FCPOgB4lj1gW%2F&hl=ne
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